Submission Guidelines

Crazyhorse publishes fine prose, poetry, and essays. The editors are especially interested in original writing that engages in the work of honest communication. We always ask "What's at stake in this writing?" "What's reckoned with that's important for other people to read?"

Send your best words our way. We read and choose writing democratically, pluralistically, ecumenically; therefore, we like to print a mix of writing regardless of its form, genre, school, or politics. We publish newcomers and established writers alike.  We're especially on the lookout for writing that doesn't fit the categories.

Crazyhorse reads year-round and welcomes submissions of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction/essay. Please send up to 25 pages of prose or 3-5 poems. We do not accept e-mail submissions, but do accept simultaneous submissions on the good faith that you will notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Receipt of a submission can only be confirmed by self-addressed stamped postcard or by USPS delivery confirmation. Please include a sturdy self-addressed stamped envelope with your submission and send to:

Department of English
College of Charleston
66 George St.
Charleston, SC 29424