* We believe in the serial comma.

* Here's our feeling on the bios. We prefer them to be entertaining, but above all they should be useful. Hence we include email addresses and website where you can find the writers, if the writers agree to this. We don't like to list awards or graduate degrees unless they are useful for readers. (We suspect these are not useful for readers.) However, we are happy to list other places you might find these writers' work, and where they teach or work, if you want to find them and send them cash or love or creepy photos.

Eric Anderson currently lives in Melrose, MA. His poems and reviews have appeared in Rune: M.I.T.'s Journal of Arts and Letters, Tuesday Magazine, and Rattle. [email]

Mary Angelino is an MFA student at the University of Arkansas, and a poetry editor for Linebreak.org. She lives right behind Fayetteville High, and is often startled by the pop music that blares (at random) from the football field. She channels this nervousness on her quest to make the perfect mushroom sauce gnocchi, and on various other creative outlets. [email]

Leah Bailly is a Canadian playwright and fiction writer, but she currently lives in Las Vegas where she edits for the journal Witness. This spring, she is heading to Sierra Leone to write for Journalists for Human Rights. [email]

Jim Benz lives in Minneapolis with his wife, two cats, and a dog. He is an assoiciate editor of Shakespeare's Monkey Revue, and his poetry has most recently appeared in issues of Right Hand Pointing, Gutter Eloquence, and Black Box Manifold. [email]

Kristin Blyar was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. She is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida after which her intentions are to muck horse stalls, drink coffee, and write about the smell. This is her first published work.

Chuck Carlise was born in Canton, Ohio, and has lived in twelve states and two continents in the last ten years. His poems and essays have appeared (or are forthcoming) in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cimarron Review, Southern Review, Fourteen Hills, and others. He currently lives in Texas, where he is pursing a PhD at the University of Houston and teaching high school creative writing with Writers in the Schools. [email]

Ching-In Chen is the author of The Heart's Traffic, a novel in poems. The daughter of Chinese immigrants, she is a Kundiman, Macondo and Lambda Fellow. A community organizer, she has worked in the Asian American communities of San Francisco, Oakland, and Boston. Her work has been recently published in journals such as BorderSenses, Rio Grande Review, Fifth Wednesday Journal, OCHO, Iron Horse Literary Review, Water~Stone Review, Boxcar Poetry Review, Verdad, and the anthology Yellow as Turmeric, Fragrant as Cloves. Currently, Ching-In lives in Riverside, California where she is a member of the Save Our Chinatown Committee, a grassroots organization focused on the preservation of the archaelogical heritage of Riverside Chinatown. [website]

Seo-Young Chu: // bricolage, Korea, notes, lyric time, vocabulary, science fiction, links, tags, clouds, anachronism, keys, blueberries, the 20th century, slipstream, clips

Katharine Coles' fourth collection of poems, Fault, came out from Red Hen Press in June of 2008. She is a professor in the English Department at the University of Utah, where she teaches creative writing and literature and directs, with co-director Fred Adler, the Utah Symposium in Science and Literature, which she founded. She is currently on two-thirds leave to serve a two-year appointment as the Inaugural Director of the Harriet Monroe Poetry Institute at the Poetry Foundation in Chicago. In 2006, she was named to a five-year term as Poet Laureate of Utah.

Nick Courtright, an Ohio native, lives in Austin, Texas with Michelle Nail and their 1 year old son, William. A chapbook, Elegy for the Builder's Wife, was just published by Blue Hour Press, and his poetry is forthcoming or has recently appeared in Boston Review, The Iowa Review, The Kenyon Review Online, and Beloit Poetry Journal, among numerous others. He is a music critic and interviewer for the Austinist, and teaches at Southwestern and St. Edward's Universities. [email]

Karly Fogelsonger lives in the lower peninsula of Michigan.

Kimberly Grey's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Linebreak, The Brooklyn Review, Opium Magazine, Dear Sir, and elsewhere. She currently lives in New York City and will teach Contemporary Poetry at Adelphi University in Spring 2011. [email] [blog]

David Hawkins teaches at the University of Utah and his poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in a number of journals, including At Length Magazine, Barrow Street, Bat City Review, Chelsea, Poems & Plays, The Pedestal Magazine, and Umbrella, among others. He is a former Editor-in-Chief of Quarterly West ('01-05), and he lives with his wife and their two boys in Salt Lake City, where it isn’t so nearly as bad as you’ve heard. [email]

Matthew Kirkpatrick's fiction has appeared recently in Conjunctions, Harp & Altar, Center, and the Notre Dame Review. He lives in Salt Lake City, UT. [email] [website]

Willie Lin is a graduate student in creative writing at Washington University in St. Louis.

Kuzhali Manickavel's collection Insects Are Just like You and Me except Some of Them Have Wings is available from Blaft Publications and can be found at Powell’s Books and Amazon.com. Her work can also be found in Best American Fantasy 3, Subtropics, Per Contra, anderbo, Quick Fiction, Caketrain, The Café Irreal, FRiGG, and Eyeshot. She lives in a small temple town on the coast of South India. [blog]

Alissa Nutting is currently a Schaeffer Fellow in fiction at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. "Alley Queen" is a chapter from her forthcoming collection, Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls (Starcherone, Fall 2010), which was selected for publication by Ben Marcus. [email]

Charlotte Pence gave up a career as palm reader and competitive snorkler to become a poet. As her palm predicted, her poems are forthcoming or published in North American Review, Prairie Schooner, Tar River Poetry Review, Denver Quarterly, and other journals. She has received the New Millennium Writing Award for Poetry, a poetry fellowship from the Tennessee Arts Commission, the 2010 Discovered Voices Award, and is also editor of Grist: The Journal for Writers and a Ph.D. student in creative writing at the University of Tennessee. One of Charlotte's sources of inspiration is her zen-like dog Sophie who understands the stick is just a symbol of attainment, but not attainment itself. Sophie's cuteness draws many visitors, invited and otherwise, to Charlotte's porch. Charlotte's neighbors have called the cops on her only once. You can read her weekly review of an individual poem or song at her [blog]. [email]

Phoebe Reeves is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Cincinnati Clermont College. Her chapbook, The Lobes and Petals of the Inanimate, was released from Pecan Grove Press in autumn of 2009, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has had poems appear in The Tampa Review, Gertrude, Harpur Palate, and The Potomac Review, among others. One day, she will learn the names of all the wildflowers in Ohio. [email]

Martin Rock's poems appear or are forthcoming in Tuesday; an Art Project, Mississippi Review Online, NANO Fiction, At-Large Magazine, and others. His collaborative chapbook with Philip D. Ischy, Fish, You Bird, was published by Pilot Books this spring. He is editor-in-chief of Washington Square, and co-curator of Cornelia St. Graduate Poetry reading series. He lives in Brooklyn where he translates poetry from the Japanese and pines for the mountains. [email]

Molly Schaeffer will probably graduate from college in May. She is from New Jersey and lives right now on Hudson where she is studying writing and learning how to bind books. Her poems have been published in Bard Papers. [email]

Valerie Suffron is a graduate student. She currently lives in San Diego, but that's always subject to change. If you want to know more, send her an email. [email]

Angela Stubbs lives in Los Angeles and is a freelance writer and MFA candidate at Naropa University. Her work has appeared in The Collagist, LitPark, Bookslut, PopMatters, The Rumpus and is forthcoming from Area Sneaks, Marco Polo Quarterly, and others. She is also the author of the column Between the Pen and Paper at The Nervous Breakdown. [blog]

Stephanie Magdalena White was begun in Thunder Bay, transferred to Montreal, then finished off in Hamilton. She reluctantly left Canada for college, then stayed for a guy. She now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, where she is working on a PhD in Composition and Rhetoric, despite being thoroughly tired of school. Her work has appeared in Dialogue and The Notre Dame Review, and she has published a chapbook of poetry and photos called This Heavy Sky. [email]

Jaime R. Wood is the author of Living Voices: Multicultural Poetry in the Middle School Classroom (NCTE 2006). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Dislocate, Four Branches Press, Juked, Matter, Rivets, Weird Sisters, and ZYZZYVA. She currently teaches in the English department at Eastern Washington University while she completes an MFA in creative writing. [email]

Melissa Zetts is a twenty three year old special education paraeducator at a local high school, recently graduated from a program you're not interested in. She makes paintings and drawings about the human experience that incorporate text from the English language. She reads like it's her job. [blog]