Timothee Ingen-Housz




In the early days of online hypermedia, arborescent information technology seemed to enable new correspondances between separate tracks of text, images, and ideas—awakening ancient longings for poetical and/or metaphysical languages. I asked myself:

What if an artificial language could turn every sentence into an exercise of meditation, an excercise of escapism from the overdetermination of experience by language?

And what if it was going to be fun?

What if silly little icons playfully snappable with one another were going to induce ontological adventures in the minds of those playing with them—even if what they wanted to say was: "there´s no rabbit in my hat." That was the hypothesis of the elephant's memory, and it has been developed for 3 years and a half before being abandoned. The resulting, unfinished system is a linguistic body consisting of 150 signs or more, and an associative syntax enabling the formulation of non-linear visual sentences.

2 websites relating to the project: [go] [go]