


Based on Detailed results from the Ph.D. Thesis of O. R. Chambers, Ohio State University (c. 1959). As found in Psychology of Adolescence by Luelle Cole (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1960)

A study originally made in 1923 and repeated in 1953 shows the changes in ideas of right and wrong with age and also with the passage of two decades. In both studies, children marked more things as wrong than adolescents did, and adolescents marked more things as wrong than young adults did. Older adults, in their fifties and sixties, tended to mark about the same number as did adolescents of their own decade. Very few specific items were marked more by older than younger individuals. Figure 134 shows changes with age on four of the items.... These curves are for boys only. The first two curves for the girls are somewhat lower; they condemn conceit a good deal more than the boys do but bribery a good deal less.