* We believe in the serial comma.

* We prefer to avoid dishing about our contributors' undoubtedly impressive degrees, as we just don't care that much.

Gina Abelkop lives in Bronxville, NY, where she edits the feminist literary and arts journal Finery and is an MFA candidate in poetry at Sarah Lawrence College. Her poems have been published in Hothouse, Lodestar Quarterly, and Stirring. Her first book, Intentions Still Artifact, forthcoming from Birds of Lace is a correspondence through poetry with Katherine LaPlant.

Corinn Adams was voted one of 2003's Emerging Queer Writers by the New York City Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Community Center. She was raised in a small town in upstate New York. She is currently a childcare provider living in Brooklyn. Corinn welcomes correspondence at: [email]

Cynthia Arrieu-King's chapbook The Small Anything City won the Dream Horse Press National Chapbook Contest for 2006. Her book reviews have and will appear in Octopus Magazine, Galatea Resurrects, DIAGRAM, and Word For/Word.

Marco A. Domínguez is originally from California but has studied poetry at Northern Michigan University and Texas Tech University. He is an assistant poetry editor for both 32 Poems and Iron Horse Literary Review. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in Indiana Review, Rattle, South Dakota Review, Willow Springs, and elsewhere.

Michael Greenberg graduated recently from the University of California, Berkeley, and now lives in Cambridge, MA. With Boyd Spahr, he co-edits an online journal that can be found [here]. [email]

Daniel Gutstein lives in Washington, D.C., where he is visiting assistant professor of creative writing at George Washington University. A collection of short fiction, non/fiction, is forthcoming from Edge Books in 2007. Poems and stories have appeared in four-dozen publications, including Best American Poetry (2006).

Andrew Kozma lives in Houston, for the moment, while attending the University of Houston for a Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Alehouse, Pebble Lake Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, American Letters & Commentary, Forklift, Ohio, Blue Mesa, and Best New Poets 2006. He recently won the Zone 3 First Book Award for his manuscript City of Regret. [email]

Michael Martone's most recent books are Michael Martone, a memoir in contributor's notes, Unconventions, Writing on Writing, and Rules of Thumb edited with Susan Neville. He is also the author of The Blue Guide to Indiana, published by FC2. He teaches at the University of Alabama.

Erick Nordenson grew up in Minneapolis and now lives in Chicago. He writes poetry, fiction, etc. He recently underwent a significant change in life-related optimism after seeing the movie Deliverance. [email]

Brendan O'Connor's poems have appeared in Colorado Review, 32 Poems and Verse Daily. He was a 2001-2002 Lannan Poetry Fellow at Georgetown University. Since then, he has been an elementary school teacher, an amateur archaeologist and a social worker. He and his wife live in Tucson, AZ, where he teaches Spanish and attends graduate school. [email]

Frances Justine Post is originally from Charleston, SC. She now lives in New York City, where she attends Columbia University, and is poetry editor of Columbia: A Journal of Literature & Art. Her work has appeared in 32 Poems and the Seneca Review. [email]

Bonnie Roy lives in California. Her poems and interviews have appeared or are forthcoming in the Greenbelt Review and New Millennium Writings. [email]

D. Antwan Stewart is a James A. Michener Fellow in poetry at the Michener Center for Writers, The University of Texas at Austin, where he serves as poetry editor for Bat City Review, and is author of a chapbook, The Terribly Beautiful (Main Street Rag Press, 2006). [email]

Tony Trigilio is the author of The Lama's English Lessons (Three Candles Press). Recent poems are published in Denver Quarterly, New Orleans Review, La Petite Zine, Black Clock, The Laurel Review, Bombay Gin, Hotel Amerika, and Rattle. He lives in Chicago, where he teaches at Columbia College Chicago and co-edits the poetry magazine Court Green. [email]

Caroline Wilkinson's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tarpaulin Sky, 42opus, Can We Have Our Ball Back?, and Memorious. She lives in upstate New York and writes about small-press and international fiction on her [website]. [email]

Brandon A Wyant, of Los Angeles, lives in Holland. [email]