A man wanted to invite people he had seen only
in his dreams to a party. He wondered where to send the invitations.
He also wondered if there was a way to invite the many people
that he had been in his dreams. Would inviting himself be adequate?
And what about those people he had seen only
in his dreams? The orange minotaur, the gangsters, the Nazi colonel
who played
chess with him, the woman on the stepladder at the library…and
what about the skeletons and skulls, and Raquel Welch…this
was getting complicated.
Besides, there was really only one person he had seen only
in his dreams that he wanted to invite. In fact, this whole
party idea was just a ruse, what he hoped would be a kind of
message, a post-hypnotic suggestion that would enable him to
see her again.
Maybe if he could dream of a post office,
he could send the invitations. He wondered if people in his dreams
had email
now. Oh, and his cellmate, the man he had argued with over
whose dream it was….
And what about the people in the background, those who set
the scenes and helped out? It was no use. Maybe someone in
his dreams would invite him to a party.
He would see her there. She’d be off to the side of the
room, engaged in conversation, pretending not to notice his
entrance. Pretending that she hadn’t dreamt up this whole
party idea just so she could see him again…