
Please click on the poet's name to view their work. 

More Perihelion:

Issue 6: No More Tears

Issue 5: Phoenix

Bob Sward's Writer's Friendship Series

Book Reviews

Need to Know



A quick list to poets featured in this issue:

Mary Moore

Kate Benedict

James Walton Fox

Jane Blue

Tom Goff

Kate Lutzner

Heather Burns

Maria Melendez


Laverne Frith

LauraAnn Walton

Roger Pfingston

Scott Odom

  Mary Moore

Mary Moore lives in West Virginia where she teaches poetry, women's writing, and Renaissance literature. Other poems of hers can be found in The Book of Snow from Cleveland State University Press (1998), in the Winter Awards issue of Nimrod, and in earlier issues of Poetry, Field, New Letters, Prairie Schooner and others. A scholarly book on women's love sonnet sequences, Desiring Voices, Women Sonneteers and Petrarchism, appeared in 2000 from Southern Illinois University Press.

   Kate Benedict

Kate Benedict's poetry has appeared in Kalliope, The Centennial Review, The American Voice, Rhino, and Pig Iron, among many others; her work is online at The Able Muse, Poetry Magazine, and Wired Art from Wired Hearts.

   James Walton Fox

James Fox lives in New York City. His publications include "Scenes From My Father's Dictionary" (1998)and "The Painter" (2000)--both audio CDs. This is his first web publication.

   Jane Blue

Jane Blue's poems have been published in many journals and anthologies, most recently in Antigonish, The Louisville Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Salt Hill. Her most recent book, Now that I am in the Light I See, was published by Konocti Books in 1996. She edits the literary magazine, Tule Review.

   Tom Goff

Tom Goff's poems have appeared in PDQ, Tule Review, One Dog Press, Ekphrasis, Convolvulus, Poetry Now, and the American River Review. He is an editor and regular reviewer for Poetry Now.

   Kate Lutzner

Kate Lutzner is a poetry editor of Stirring: A Literary Collection. Her work has appeared in such journals such as the Antioch Review, Mudlark, Disquieting Muses, Poetry Magazine, The 2River View and Rattle. She is the recipient of the Robert Frost Poetry Prize, awarded by Kenyon College.


Heather Burns received an MFA from the University of Virginia where she was a Henry Hoyns Fellow. Her poems have appeared in Alligator Juniper, Antietam, Archipelago, The Blue Moon Review, The English Journal, Iris: A Journal About Women, Nimrod, Quarterly West, Southern Poetry Review, and The Virginia Quarterly Review. She works in the Registrar's Office at the University of Virginiain Charlottesville, and is a founding director of a community writing center where she teaches poetry to adults and children.


Maria Melendez currently works as Writer-in-Residence at the U.C. Davis Arboretum. She received her M.A. in Creative Writing from U.C. Davis in 2000, and her first chapbook is forthcoming from Swan Scythe Press.  Her poetry has appeared in Puerto del Sol and the High Plains Literary Review, and is forthcoming in Mark My Words: Five Emerging Poets, edited by poet and translator Francisco Aragón.

   Karen Alkalay-Gut 

Karen Alkalay-Gut has published over a dozen volumes of poetry in Israel and the United States. Her next book, High Maintenance, will be published by a Canadian press, Ride the Wind, later this year. She teaches at Tel Aviv University and chairs the Israel Association of Writers in English.

   Laverne Frith

Laverne Frith's poems have appared in or are forthcoming in Poetry New York, The Christian Science Monitor, The Montserrat Review, California Quarterly, The Dalhousie Review, Potpourri, New Laurel Review, Kimera and The Acorn, among many others. His chapbook, In a Fast Food Place, was released from Talent House Press in December 1999. He co-edits the poetry journal Ekphrasis and co-authored Practical Poetry-A Guide for Poets. Recent awards include first place at the Berkeley Poets' Dinner, 2000..

   Laura Ann Walton

Laura Ann Walton is a poet, dramatist and social activist. In the past decade and a half, she founded Maryhouse, a center for homeless women and The Women's Wisdom Project, an arts program for disadvantaged women.

   Roger Pfingston

Roger Pfingston's work has appeared or is forthcoming online at Web del Sol, For Poetry, Poetry Magazine, 2River View, and In Posse. He has also published in Wisconsin Review and Poet Lore and in an anthology titled Intimate Kisses:The Poetry of Sexual Pleasure (New World Library, February, 2001).

   Scott Odom 

Scott Odom is an editor for Writer's Block, the poetry workshop at Web Del Sol. He has work appearing in In Posse Review and an upcoming anthology Off the Cuffs. He lives on the Central Coast of California with his wife and daughter.