Potion Magazine - Poetry + Fiction
Traci Elder O'Dea
My Neighbor Put Summer Out With the Trash

The beach chair straddles
the black garbage bag
that’s bursting from the lidless, rusted can.

It’s a squat chair,
the kind where your seat’s in the sand,
and you end up getting soaked
from choosing a spot too close
to cool your feet.

Frayed nylon sprays neon strings —
green, orange, pink, and yellow —
onto the otherwise glassphalt landscape
of the drizzled quiescent street.

TRACI ELDER O'DEA lives in Baltimore, Maryland where she is the Academic Publications Coordinator at Johns Hopkins University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry, Queen's Quarterly, Room of One's Own, and 32 Poems.

Copyright 2004 Traci Elder O'Dea.