What's New > Check out our Prairie Schooner t-shirts and future readers
Be fashionably dressed and at the same time promote your favorite literary magazine! T-shirts are available for $12 in white with our 75th logo embroidered over the right breast pocket. Adult sizes M, L, and XL. Call Erin at 1-800-715-2387 to order.

Hilda Raz's granddaughter, future doctor/writer/painter/bi-lingual/world leader/genius, says she wears her Prairie Schooner t-shirt as a dual compliment of form and function. "Aesthetically, I couldn't be happier with the t-shirt," Anna claims. "The red logo on gray is both bold and fresh, much like the magazine itself. Also, 100% cotton's just so comfy."

Editorial Assistant Karen Head's nephew recently wore his Prairie Schooner t-shirt on a visiting lecture tour of Holland. Jason's trip was inspired in part by Susanne Jorn's translations of Netherland poets Kirsten Hammann and Naja Marie Aidt, published in our Fall 2000 issue. In this picture he's pointing to the stairs he pushed a kid down for asking if people in Nebraska still travel by prairie schooner.

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