Quarterly West
About us, contacts, editors, publication info. Issues, archives Contest information & updates Submission guidelines and procedures Related web links

Dear Writer :

Thank you for your interest in our magazine. You may wish to know the following information with regard to submission procedures and guidelines:

° °   Quarterly West expects the standard format for fiction or essays typed, double-spaced, author's name and title on the first page. Poetry should be single-spaced.

° °   Each manuscript must be accompanied by an SASE for response and return.

° °   Editors will consider simultaneous submissions, but expect to be informed. Authors must notify editors immediately of simultaneously submitted work accepted elsewhere.

° °   We read submissions between September 1st and May 1st only. Submissions received between May 2nd and August 31st will be returned unread.

° °   Submit only one story or essay, or three to five poems at a time. Writers may submit up to two short-shorts (less than five pages each).

° °   Contributors receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears, as well as a small honorarium, when funds are available.

° °  Quarterly West acquires First North American Serial Rights for the work we publish. All rights revert back to the author upon publication.

° °   We ask that former contributors wait at least one year after publication before submitting new work to Quarterly West.


  ©2006 Quarterly West
            255 S. Central Campus Dr., Rm. 3500
            Department of English
            University of Utah
            Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-9109
            (801) 581-3938

University of Utah
Questions or comments 
about this page?
Email Roberto Avant-Mier