Mudlark No. 46 (2012)

Season of Change
Poems by Susan Kelly-DeWitt


Season of Change
Sometimes in Autumn
Mandelstam in the Transit Camp
At Susan’s Pond
Botanical Garden
Old Neighborhood
Snow Zone
Think of the Highways
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Rodin’s The Kiss
Henry Sugimoto Exhibit
Beginning Again
Caterpillars Along the American River Parkway
Coffee, Rain
Three Nights
Why I Have Trouble Falling Asleep
Blessing Bell
A Day in the Life
Bitter Honey

Susan Kelly-DeWitt’s latest collections are The Fortunate Islands (Marick Press) and the electronic chapbook The Limbo Suite, also known as Mudlark Special Issue No. 38). Her poems can also be found in many journals and in anthologies such as, most recently, The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry (Autumn House Press), A Bird as Black as the Sun: California Poets on Crows and Ravens (Green Poets Press), Fog and Woodsmoke (Lost Hills Press), What Redwoods Know: Poems from California State Parks (WordTemple Press), and in The City of the Big Shoulders: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry (University of Iowa Press). She has also been an exhibiting Northern California visual artist for twenty-five years. Please visit her website at:

Acknowledgments: The cover image, Green Man, is a chalk pastel, 5 x 7 inches, made by Susan Kelly-DeWitt, the poet herself. It appears here courtesy of Kathryn Hohlwein. As for the poems, “Old Neighborhood” appeared in the Year 2002 Anthology, edited by Wiliam Gainer, Nevada City Arts Council, 2003, and “Chernobyl” appeared (in an earlier version) in Spoon River Poetry Review.

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