Mudlark Posters (1997-2006)

Between issues of the magazine itself which, by chance not design, have taken the form of electronic chapbooks, MUDLARK will publish something like electronic broadsides, shorter selections of poems and/or essays by individual poets, hereafter known as MUDLARK POSTERS.


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No. 1    Taylor Graham
No. 2    Barry Spacks
No. 3    Richard Carr
No. 4    Molly Fisk
No. 5    Michael Rothenberg
No. 6    Mercedes Lawry
No. 7    Robert Sward
No. 8    Ruth Daigon
No. 9    Donna Frazier

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No. 10  Henry Gould
No. 11  Errol Miller
No. 12  Fernand Roqueplan
No. 13  Robert Sward
No. 14  Alan Kaufman
No. 15  Michael Hettich
No. 16  Simon Perchik

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No. 17  Claudia K. Grinnell
No. 18  Van K. Brock
No. 19  Michael Baron
No. 20  Michael Cadnum

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No. 21  Kate Lutzner
No. 22  Lina ramona Vitkauskas
No. 23  Jane Yolen
No. 24  Andrew Wilson
No. 25  Alexandra Yurkovsky
No. 26  Aidan Rooney-Céspedes
No. 27  Catherine Daly
No. 28  Jack Martin
No. 29  Louis Armand and John Kinsella
No. 30  Qian Xi Teng

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No. 31  Tim Cumming
No. 32  Robert Garlitz and Rupert Loydell


No. 33  John Brennen
No. 34  Michael Hettich
No. 35  Coral Hull
No. 36  Joe Millar

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No. 37  Issam Zineh
No. 38  Ian Randall Wilson
No. 39  James Sallis
No. 40  Amy Pence
No. 41  Mark DeCarteret
No. 42  Alexandra Yurkovsky
No. 43  Mark Cunningham

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No. 44  Erin Lambert
No. 45  Sheryl Luna
No. 46  Diane Raptosh
No. 47  Dawn Tefft
No. 48  Michael Cadnum

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No. 49  Richard Carr
No. 50  Jesse Lee Kercheval
No. 51  Robin Leslie Jacobson
No. 52  David Alpaugh
No. 53  Tim Keane
No. 54  Liz Dolan
No. 55  Stuart Friebert

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No. 56  Lenny Lianne
No. 57  Anne Colwell
No. 58  Jenna Cardinale
No. 59  Dan Masterson

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No. 60  Christine Hartzler

