In Print

Our first print annual is NOW AVAILABLE! PBQ Print Annual #1 includes ALL of issues 63-67. Go ahead. Fetishize the book and take PBQ with you. It's sure to become a collector's item.

Please send a check for $15 made out to Painted Bride Quarterly to:
Painted Bride Quarterly
Rutgers University-Camden
311 N. Fifth St., ATG Hall
Camden, NJ 08102

For your convenience, a  $15 dollar payment can also be made via PayPal.

In the meantime, please sign up for the PBQ E-List! Send us a message to, and we will add you on to our mailing list. Stay abreast of our new issues, upcoming readings, and other PBQ-related events.

Reminder: Since our shift to a hybrid publication, we no longer need a "subscribe" page. The quarterly issues of our magazine are now free for all to see.