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Winning Poems for December 2007
Judge E. Ethelbert Miller

First Place
Ruth in Ward 3A Imagines Herself as a Tree
by Brenda Levy Tate
Pen Shells

I like the title of this poem and how it works with the sonnet structure. One is pulled into the world of mental illness and it's the world of nature as well as imagination. This is a poem of transformation and a rejection of restrictions. Ruth is able to escape the hospital ward. The closing couplet makes this poem a winner. I want Ruth to believe she is the sea tomorrow. --E. Ethelbert Miller

Second Place
Northland Solstice
by Eric Linden
Mosaic Musings

"What would Jack London think of this poem? Here is the Yukon. Dawson City a place where people went looking for gold? This poem however captures the moment more than history. One is a witness to the landscape and seeing its beauty through the eyes of a poet. Nothing moves -- except the language. What lies beyond the cold and darkness? What brighter winter chills? I like the question this poem asks -- "Could it be that I heard carols/coming from those soundless hills?" --E. Ethelbert Miller

Third Place
Crossing at Night
by Maryann Corbett
The Waters

I found this poem haunting in a mystical sense. Since I don't know how to drive, I’ve never experienced that need to avoid something on a rain-slick road. Still, I like how this poem is almost crafted to resemble a road. Lines seem to collapse on each other. The words "void," "vague," "nothing" and "emptiness" increase the blackness of the night. What is the shape of things unseen? What do we fear at the crossing? --E. Ethelbert Miller

Honorable Mention
My Mother's Bones
by Laurie Byro
Desert Moon Review

Honorable Mention
Mersey Mersey Me
by Christopher T. George
Desert Moon Review

Honorable Mention
Time Gone Cold
by Linda Balboni
Mosaic Musings

Winning Poems

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