Christopher Stackhouse


       Adam Pendelton

       Brian Belott
       Chad Faries
       Christopher Patton
       Christopher Stackhouse
       Dan Golden
       Elisabeth Kinsey
       Ernest Loesser
       Henry Williams
       Jayson Iwen
       Jenny Benjamin Smith
       Kathleen Eull
       Kevin Gallagher
       Matthew Chase
       Pearl Blauvelt
       Timothy Marvel Hull

Notes From Panel Disc. @ The Fish Tank Gallery


                     “progress” implies that there is a goal. What is
the goal, the ultimate or even penultimate goal?


“progress”, “progression”, “the progressive”
is tied into the advancement of technology
how “new” technology is engaged by an artist
mechanic, engineer, etc. – (tinkered with)

technology has “progressed” (moved forward) but have
our uses for technology in art/life (artistic practice) as

a “translucent” activity progressed? Have we somehow
used this technology to say something new about the human

How does/do human evolution and technological advance
coincide? Thinking about what

Art should speak (say) to a position from a position of an artist.
The artist takes a position based on how s/he sees itself in
contextual dialogue (art historical?) with the human condition.
The artist interprets his/her world to create meaning, or/and,
comment on the way meaning may be transmitted.